
Glad to see you here! I hope that you will find my site informative and stimulating. My focus is on history because, as has been said many times, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

With all that is happening in Ukraine, I felt it only appropriate to send a message with this cover page. I fervently hope that sense and humanity will prevail although I have low expectations in the near term.

My books are set in the 19th century – an age when human innovation and ambition drove the industrial revolution but also accelerated a world of inequality, crushing poverty and colonial expansion while advances in technology laid the ground for the terrible world-wide conflicts of the 20th century.

On these pages you can find information and back stories about published books and books to be published. I will also share thoughts on today’s events and on what history can teach us about likely outcomes.

Remember, Ignore history at your peril!         


Read My Books

The Case of the Emigrant Niece, enter Findo Gask and Erroll Rait


Taking readers back to the days of steam trains and clipper ships, gas-lit Edinburgh streets and the goldfields of Australia with the unravelling of a mystery and the discovery of a relentless murderer, The Case of the Emigrant Niece is a spellbinding novel that captures the imagination and transports you back to a different age.
“The style of this novel has more in common with Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone than with a 21st-century publication.”
Historical Novel Society


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