
Echoes: Burke & Hare

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) I am currently working on a historic detective novel, part of which takes place in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh.  As I always do, I’m spending a lot of my time in research.  Edinburgh is familiar territory for me – and it’s one of the […]
The post Echoes: Burke & Hare first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Recession & Depression

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) I was looking at the soaring gold price today – a sign that inflation is on the horizon as a result of the massive money-printing that is going on across the globe to stave off or mitigate the evils of a recession. Following catastrophic bush […]
The post Recession & Depression first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Spanish Flu vs COVID-19 A re-run?

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) With an eye to the theme of this blog, “Pay attention to history or suffer the consequences”, it would be difficult not to look back at the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 to see if there are any lessons to be learned. Particularly so given […]
The post Spanish Flu vs COVID-19 A re-run? first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Truth & Time

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) Over the years, I have collected a library of about 500 books – maybe more.  There are some very interesting volumes amongst them including one printed 202 years ago about the life and death of Mary, Queen of Scots. It is a wonderful book; the […]
The post Truth & Time first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

The Human Spirit

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) I was writing about Mary Ann’s character in a recent blog. Most of the revealing information comes from the reports made about her while she was serving her sentence in Van Diemen’s Land after she had been sentenced to 7 years’ transportation in 1834. The […]
The post The Human Spirit first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.


(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) The horrible images of unjust killings and brutal policing that have come out of the USA in recent weeks reflects a culture of haves and have-nots. Having lived in both South Africa during the era of apartheid and the USA – in both the north […]
The post Emancipation first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Discovering Mary Ann

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) It’s been a momentous couple of weeks with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests, the funeral of George Floyd as well as the continuing struggle against COVID-19. It makes you wonder if we have come far enough in the last 200 years although, looking over the […]
The post Discovering Mary Ann first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Recurring History

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) I had intended to write more about Mary Ann Goulding’s story but the last 10 days in the USA have been momentous ones and have demanded attention. The murder of George Floyd and its stirring of memories of similar racist attacks and its renewed exposure […]
The post Recurring History first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

A Conflagration of Riots

(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) I wonder.  What is the collective noun for riots? I also wonder where is this all heading? We are seeing a spontaneous uprising in the USA protesting another killing of an unarmed black man by a white police officer.  Unquestionably, long-standing racial prejudice in the […]
The post A Conflagration of Riots first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.


(click on heading to leave comments at bottom of page) I have been following the furore around Dominic Cummings in the UK over the last several days with both interest and not a little anger. If you are not interested in UK politics, this is the senior and extremely influential advisor to the UK’s Prime […]
The post LEADERSHIP & INTEGRITY first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

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