
Once Upon An Ancient Christmastide

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) Christmas is here once again.  Despite COVID and the need to nurse my poor wife back to health after breaking her pelvis (ouch!), the tree is up, lights flash and baubles and tinsel sparkle.  This time of year is too special to shuffle celebrations […]
The post Once Upon An Ancient Christmastide first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

The Coming Inflation

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) The drums are beginning to throb.  I have been hearing more voices in the last few weeks talking about inflation, so much so that I’ve started to think about what may be ahead.  ‘Respected’ figures in different countries such as Bank of England policy […]
The post The Coming Inflation first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

A Fracturing Union ?

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) First a little note to set the stage: I have found that most people outside of Britain do not understand the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and the United Kingdom.  The UK is the combination of 3 nations and 1 territory.  These […]
The post A Fracturing Union ? first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

The Tyranny of Closed Minds

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) A friend of mine recently sent me an article from the New York Times’s Opinion Page entitled, “How to think outside your brain”. It made me think. The article explored the need to supplement mental capacity with other techniques and approaches in these days […]
The post The Tyranny of Closed Minds first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Steps to War

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) History is littered with the blood, death and despair of conflict.  Often the road to war has been all too obvious but willingly ignored. Perhaps the most notorious situation was Britain’s refusal to accept that Germany under Hitler intended to use war as a […]
The post Steps to War first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Time for truth

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) I was struck today by two news items; the first an article on the ethical challenges facing social media companies, the second an alarming news item from Belarus about the jailing of two journalists simply for filming a street protest. Free speech is a […]
The post Time for truth first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

The Decline and Fall…

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) What does the failed state of Yemen have in common with the USA?   Not much, I hear you say.  But these are the ONLY two countries in the world that allow civilians to wander the streets carrying repeating and semi-automatic long guns without […]
The post The Decline and Fall… first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Christmas thoughts

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) It’s been quite a year and one in which a good friend of mine, Dr Fayez Ayache succumbed to COVID-19 – a big-hearted man who gave more than he received and who is still missed and makes the tragedies of this year all the […]
The post Christmas thoughts first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

What is happening?

(Click on heading to leave a comment at bottom of page) Amidst the congratulations, hope and relief (and they are deserved) about the coming of a vaccine, this morning I note that worldwide more than one million, four hundred and twenty thousand souls have died from COVID 19. 1,420,000. And that doesn’t count many more […]
The post What is happening? first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

Autocratic breakthrough?

(click on heading to leave at bottom of page) Like the rest of the world I have been following the US Presidential election with a combination of fascination and concern as the current President of the United States, supported by his offspring and a subservient, compliant Republican Party, has been calling his defeat a fraud, without […]
The post Autocratic breakthrough? first appeared on David Cairns of Finavon.

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